The Truth About Lip Biting

The Truth About Lip Biting

0 July 8, 2024

Lip Biting

Lip biting habits may involve either of the lips but lower lips have the higher predominance. 


  • Lip licking or wetting of the lips by the tongue. 
  • Lip sucking habit – Pulling the lips into the mouth between the teeth. 


  • Forwardly place upper incisors
  • Backwardly placed lower incisors
  • Lip trap
  • Lips are reddened and chapped below the Vermilion border
  • Lower incisors have lingual crowding


Lip habit is not a self correcting habit and it may get worse with age because of the muscular force interacting with child growth. 

Oral screen, Lip bumper, Lip protector are given for correction of the habit. 

Dr Aysaiki Maji

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