Dental Hypomineralization is the process in which the enamel of the child’s teeth are affected.
It occurs due to disturbance in tooth development either during pregnancy period or during the first 2 years of life.
Causes –
- Severe illness in first two years of life
- Intake of certain antibiotics during pregnancy
- Dioxins in breast milk
- Genetic conditions may be sometimes involved.
Hypomineralization makes the enamel soft and prone to breakdown and likely to get more caries.
These teeth have a chalky white or yellowish appearance with increased sensitivity.
In primary dentition ( child’s first milk teeth), primary second molars are mainly affected. If hypomineralization is seen in primary dentition then it is likely for an adult dentition to have hypomineralized teeth.
In adult dentition molars and the incisors (anterior teeth) are affected. Adults have brittle teeth which are prone to fractures and lead to esthetic problems.
Treatment –
Treatment depends upon severity and signs and symptoms of the patient.
In sensitive teeth, the dentist recommends fluoride containing toothpaste, fluoride varnish to reduce sensitivity.
For adult teeth treatment available includes microabrasion, bleaching, resin infiltration or restorations. Adult molars, treatment depends on severity and can range from fissure sealants and regular fluoride application to white fillings.
Dr Aysaiki Maji.