How Flossing Takes Your Oral Care Routine to the Next Level

How Flossing Takes Your Oral Care Routine to the Next Level

0 June 29, 2024

If we list down a healthy routine for an individual , it would go like “ Waking up early in the morning,  exercising, brushing your teeth, eating healthy for breakfast….” and people have believed in this ideology for having a healthy lifestyle. However, even after following the bullet points, most people aren’t able to achieve the best of their health while some have attained the “nirvana” of health. So what are these “some” people doing differently? The secret is to read between the lines. This “ worldwide, vague” checklist of health are only titles,  there is always more to be done under them. Most people miss out on the detailed version of it.

The same applies when it comes to oral health care. Even though the rule is “ brush your teeth twice a day”, it won’t make your teeth extra healthy. These are like the baseline requirements of healthy teeth and gums but to make them healthier,  we need to do more. We need to put in extra effort and extra care. That is why you must, “Floss your teeth” too.

Flossing? What is that?

Flossing is an activity of cleaning the spaces between the teeth and gums with a thread like material created for the purpose which helps in removing food and plaque in between teeth. It is an additional tooth cleaning aid. 

What is a floss?

A floss is a cord made of filaments that is used to clean the spaces between the teeth to prevent cavities and gum problems.

It looks like a sewing thread but is slightly thicker.

Isn’t brushing enough? Why to floss?

A toothbrush is effective in cleaning the surfaces of the teeth. However there are surfaces where the toothbrush cannot reach such as in between the teeth, the area where gums and teeth surfaces meet. Plaque or food particles can remain in these spaces and cause cavities and gum problems. So, even after brushing, these places can be missed by the toothbrush and that is where floss can help.

Are there types in flosses?

Yes, flosses are of different types.

•Based on filaments(threads)

  1. Monofilament floss – is like a single string.
  2. Multifilament floss – threads are weaved together.

•Based on coating 

  1. Waxed – Waxed flosses have a coating of wax which protects the floss from breaking easily. They are more expensive than the non waxed floss.
  2. Non waxed – These are the traditional flosses which do not have a coating of wax.

The type of floss to use depends on the amount of space present between the teeth, the roughness of the tooth surfaces and the gums covering the space between two teeth.


If the spaces between the teeth are very tight or the teeth surfaces are not smooth, waxed, monofilament flosses are advised.

If there is some space, then traditional non waxed floss can be used.

How to floss?

Take 18 inches of floss and wrap the ends on each of the middle fingers of both hands and wind most of the floss leaving around 10cm in between. 

•Hold the remaining part firmly between the thumb and index finger of both hands.

• In a back and forth motion and upward direction, trying to pass the floss between the two teeth. 

•Once the floss reaches the area where the gums and teeth meet, curve the floss along the curve of the gums. 

• Slowly remove the floss in the same way it was inserted.

• Repeat this between all spaces.

• Discard the used floss.

When to floss?

Flossing can be done before or after brushing your teeth once in a day. 

Does flossing hurt?

No, if done properly,  flossing should not hurt at all. 

• While inserting the floss, to and fro motion should be used and floss should not be snapped towards or away from the gums.

• While curving along the gums, you must be gentle or else you might cut and damage the gums.

Benefits of flossing

• Flossing acts like an additional care for the teeth.

• It prevents cavities and gum diseases.

• On a day where you are too tired to brush, floss alone can save the day. 

• Floss is not very expensive and can be carried anywhere.

• Floss can also be used to remove lodged food after eating in place of toothpicks or any other unhygienic method.

So, hidden problems are sometimes the reason for chaos even after good maintenance.  Hence it is wise to remove the problem in between. Floss it out!


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