Braces & Brushing: Keeping Your Smile Shiny Throughout Treatment

Braces & Brushing: Keeping Your Smile Shiny Throughout Treatment

0 June 29, 2024

We now understand many things about braces, including their meaning, the stages at which people require braces, and the many types of braces from which one may select according to their needs and tastes.

But the major concern is how to brush and floss with braces in order to keep your teeth healthy while wearing braces.

Braces can help you a lot, but they won’t help you much unless you keep them clean and maintain good oral hygiene.

As a result, knowing the proper technique and method for brushing and flossing while wearing braces becomes essential.

Plaque on and between your teeth is simpler to reach once your teeth have braces. Plaque and food particles have more areas to collect and become stuck while wearing braces.

When you have braces on your teeth, keep a good check on maintaining your oral hygiene. Don’t worry, it’ll be well worth your time. You increase your risk of gum disease if you don’t pay attention to oral hygiene while your teeth have braces. Plus, when it’s time to get your braces removed, it might make your teeth appear even better if you know the right technique of brushing.

How to take care of teeth with braces?

While your braces are on, your gums and teeth must stay clear and plaque-free. A plaque is a toxic coating of cavity-driving bacteria. Your teeth may be harmed if you don’t brush them regularly.

Nothing out of the ordinary or costly. All you need is:

An Orthodontic toothbrush which is just like your regular toothbrush but it has a space in the middle to accommodate the braces. The brush should have soft bristles which are polished nylon with a flat brushing surface.

It is highly recommended to use the Thermoseal Ortho Brush for brushing the teeth with braces.

Why Thermoseal Ortho Brush? 

1. The orthodontic brush with soft bristles is professionally designed.

2. It has long outer bristles that are 10 mm, gently massaging the gum surface while cleaning the teeth and removing plaque.

3. Short 9.5 mm high inner bristles enable us to clean effectively between braces and teeth.

 Overall, you must consult your dentist as your dentist may recommend a special type of toothbrush for your braces.

How to brush your teeth with braces?

1. Rinse with water before brushing. This will help to release any food stuck around your braces.

2. At an angle of 45 degrees, start to brush. It is best to use a brush that specializes in braces. (Thermoseal Ortho Brush)

3. Next, place the toothbrush on the brackets, anchoring each bracket to a brush.

4. Then slowly brush the wires and the bracket’s bottom, brushing by angling the toothbrush in an upward direction. 

5. Make sure to brush every tooth at the gum line, below and above the brackets. This will help you to remove plaque and food debris.

6. Do they appear to be clean? If you notice any plaque or food, brush it away with your clean toothbrush.

However, some older children may need assistance before they can comfortably grasp the toothbrush correctly and learn how to clean their teeth with braces.

How To Clean Between Your Teeth with Braces

Flossing is a crucial step in cleaning in between your teeth while wearing braces. Here are some helpful tips for flossing while wearing braces.

1. Try a flour thread to make braces flossing simpler. 

2. Water irrigators can remove food particles stuck in tight areas.

If you think this is the last of the Braces blogs, you’re mistaken; in the future blog, we’ll talk about how long braces treatment takes and how successful it is. Keep in touch with us for more valuable information.

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